Gravura Brasileira

Margot Delgado

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1970     University of Belas Artes of São Paulo
1974/77    Comunication and Arts – ECA- São Paulo University
    Engraving atelier with Evandro Carlo Jardim -special guest
1975    course for guide for São Paulo Biennal
    Watercolour with Ubirajara Ribeiro
1976/77    Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation
    Engraving atelier – evandro carlos jardim
                     Drawing classes with Adélia Prado and José Rezende
1991/92    University os São Paulo - Eca
    Figure and paysage , Evandro Carlos Jardim special guest
1993/94    São Paulo Museum of Contemporary Art elevator shoes
                  Francesc Domingues engraving atelier
1996    SENAC – Workshop with Josè Rezende – Space Ocupastion
1998    Curso de História da Arte com Rodrigo Naves
1998    Art Museum of São Paulo- MASP
    Art Hystory - Giotto com Luis Martins
1999    SESC Pompéia
    Art Movement - Paintingwith Manuel Fernandes
2006    Gravura Brasileira Gallery
    “ Transparencies”  etchings and tempera painting
2004          Gravura Brasileira Gallery
                  “Encounters” photoetchings over images realized on fax and xerox
1999    Espaço Azul Gallery
    “Human Face”  - oil stick
1999    Livraria Cultura
    “Flaming Objects” - wax
1994    São Paulo Museum of Contemporary Art
    “Artist Proof”-  drawings, etchings, tempera paintings
1989    Paulo Figueiredo Galeria de Arte
    “Air and Light installation
1988    Temple University - Interamerican Studies Center
1988    University of Pennsylvania - Art Department
1988    Brazilian American Cultural Institute - Washington DC.
                   Etchings, watercolours
1986    Galeria do Sol - São José dos Campos
1985    Paulo Figueiredo Galeria de Arte
    “Memory and Invention – watercolours , etchings
1977    Galeria Seta
    “Sewing Machine – drawings and etchings
2006    Nuremberg – Germany
Municipal Library - Photoetchings
Roman Church - Anzy le Duc - França
                  Drawing, watecolour, installation
                  Etching Biennal Fortaleza -  state of Fortaleza – Brasil
                   Cultural center of  Nothwest Bank of Fortaleza Zeitlupe project
                   New York – Brazilian etchers – Sheila Goloborotko
                                        Presentation of  Brazilian etchers to MOMA curators
2005    University of Amazonia
11 Salon of Little Size
         A Gravura Brasileira
         Artist books
2003 Projeto Lambe-Lambe – Art in the City
       Woodcut, poetry
               Santa Marcelina University
               Watercolour Quadrienal
Mixed media – drawing, watercolour, xérox, wax
1995    Salão Paulista de Aquarela da Faculdade Santa Marcelina
    Drawing , Watercolour
1993    Salão Paulista de Aquarela da Faculdade Santa Marcelina
    Invited Artist - intallation
1990    XV Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Ribeirão Preto
1987    Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
    Trama do Gosto – drawing and tempêra painting
1986    Del Bello Gallery - Toronto, Canadá
1981    São Paulo Museum of Contemporary Art
                  Young etching
1980    I Salão Paulista de Artes Plásticas e Visuais
1979    27 Brazilian Etchers , Mendonza, Argentina
                   Guest artist
1979          Galeria Tenda
1979    XVIII Prêmio Internacional de Dibuix Joan Miró - Barcelona
1978    XI Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Piracicaba
1977    I Concurso Nacional de Artes Plásticas do Rio de Janeiro
1976    III Concurso Nacional de Goiânia
1976    VII Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea
1975    VIII Salão Oficial de Arte Contemporânea de Piracicaba
    Etching and drawing
1975    VIII Salão Nacional de Arte Contemporânea de São Caetano
1970    Galeria Seta
1992    Theater Sérgio Cardoso
    Vitae Foundation Prize for dance-  Luiz Arrieta, figurino for I, II, III
1990    Ady Addor Dance Company
    Clowns - Choreographer Luiz Arrieta
1990    Ballet of São Paulo City
    Absence - Choreographer Luiz Arrieta
2004    2004                  Text presentation for the catalogue of objects exhibition
Carolina Whitaker - “Maravilhar-se”
1999    Galeria Espaço Azul
    Lecture on “ The human face”
1988    Temple University - Interamerican Studies Center
                   Lecture about Brazilian Contemporary  Engraving
1988    University of Pennsylvania - Art Department
    Lecture abour Brazilian contemporary Engraving
    Visita e discussão das obras nos ateliers dos estudantes.
1990    XV Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Ribeirão Preto - Prêmio Cidade
1978    XV Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Piracicaba - Aquisição
Casa das Artes de Piracicaba
Casa das Artes de Ribeirão Preto
Brazilian American Cultural Institute
Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo
Museu de Arte do Estado do Pará
2006    Vera d’Horta
“Transparencies of Margot”
2004    Pedro Bresciane
In Catalogue of the exhibit in Gravura Brasileira
1999    Marcus Vinicius
In “O Rosto Humano”exhibit
1994    Regina Dutra Ferreira da Silva
    “Art and Soul” – Presentation to the exhibit at Contemporary Museum of Art
                  Luiz Armando Bagolin
                “Réverie au revers”
1989    Mariângela Alves de Lima
    In catalogue of the exhibit “Light and Air”
1988    José Neistein
    In catalogue of the exhibit at Art Gallery Brazilian American Cultural Institute - Washington DC
1985    Regina Stella Fonseca de Moraes
    In catalogue of the exhibit “Memory and Invention”
    Jacob Klintovitz
    In critic for the newspaper“O Estado de São Paulo”
1981    Jacob Klintovitz
    In critic text for the newspaperl “O Estado de São Paulo”
1979    Ivo Mesquita
    In catalogue for the exhibit at Galeria Tenda
1977    Carlos Von Schmidt
    In catalogue for the exhibit  The sewing machine”
1976    Sheila Leirner
    In text about  Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea em “O Estado de São Paulo”
1970    Mário Schemberg
    In “Boletim Seta”


φθηνα rolex
Copyright Gravura Brasileira

Rua Ásia, 219, Cerqueira César, São Paulo, SP - CEP 05413-030 - Tel. 55 11 3624.0301
Weekdays: 12 am to 6 pm

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